“The primary objective of the formation process is to prepare people for the total consecration of themselves to God in the following of Christ, at the service of the Church’s mission.” (VC 65) Formation aims at the transformation of the whole person. It is a path of gradual identification with the attitude of Christ towards the father.
Formation includes human, Christian, spiritual, religious, intellectual, apostolic, ecclesial, and socio-cultural dimensions. It is an on-going process, which is centered on the person being formed.Initial formation begins with the admission of the candidate to the Institute and lasts until the Final Profession. This has a decisive importance in the formation process because during this period the foundations are laid for making a positive response to the call of the Lord and remaining faithful to it. The stages of initial formation in our Congregation are: Pre-aspirantate, Aspirantate, Pre-Novitiate, Novitiate and Juniorate.