Pope Francis on the Ascension: Christ 'does not want to limit our freedom' by his presence

Reflecting on the feast of the Ascension, Pope Francis on Sunday discussed…

Pope Francis
Canonical Visitation Tinsukia Province

Canonical Visitation in Sacred Heart Province Tinsukia The Superior General…

Superior General with the sisters and Candidates of Tinsukia Province
Pope Francis Breathes on Chrism Oil

Pope Francis breathes on chrism oil, a gesture symbolizing the infusion of…

Chrism Mass

The Centre for Development Initiatives (CDI) is a social wing of the Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians (MSMHC) committed to empower the marginalised communities of the society, especially women and children.

The task of CDI is to act as the co-ordinating body in the social and development work of the entire Congregation, providing expertise, guidance and facilitation to the Provinces and Delegation. Registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860, it works for the development of the exploited and voiceless women, girls and children, that it bases its activities on the foundation of human and social values.

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